1) Once the instance is running, connect to it via ssh $ sudo ssh -i "your .pem key file" ec2-user@publicDNS 2) If you wish to use your own data dir then upload it with scp Give write permission to the destination of instance $ sudo chmod a+w /usr/local At the source of your data dir $ sudo scp -r -i "your .pem key file" "your data dir" ec2-user@publicDNS:/usr/local Give permission to the uploaded data dir of instance $ sudo chmod -Rf a+rwx /usr/local/"your uploaded data dir" 3) Start Parallel Universe $ cd /usr/local/paralleluniverse-5.5-3.1.2-64bit Substitute with your own data dir if uploaded $ bin/mysqld_safe --no-defaults --mysqld=paralleluniversed --lc-messages-dir=/usr/local/paralleluniverse-5.5-3.1.2-64bit/share --datadir=/usr/local/paralleluniverse-5.5-3.1.2-64bit/data --socket=/tmp/paralleluniverse.sock --pid-file=/tmp/paralleluniverse.pid --port=3307 & 4) Connect to Parallel Universe with MySQL client $ bin/mysql --socket=/tmp/paralleluniverse.sock -u root Proceed to step 3 of Usage Guide. 5) If remote access is desired then create an account for remote user mysql> grant all on *.* to john_doe identified by "john_doe_password"; Now the remote user can access Parallel Universe with MySQL client $ mysql --host="publicDNS" --port=3307 --user="john_doe" -p Proceed to step 3 of Usage Guide. 6) When done, quit out of MySQL client, shut down Parallel Universe and close ssh connection mysql> quit $ bin/mysqladmin --socket=/tmp/paralleluniverse.sock -u root shutdown $ exit 7) Terminate the instance