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Parallel Universe is the industry's only SQL server to feature Parallel Query and Parallel Network Query (Distributed Query) with unprecedented speed.

Parallel Universe is created by extending MySQL server architecture and supports inter and intra server parallelism. Parallel Query incorporate intra server parallelism by processing tables in parallel with multiple threads (utilizing multiple CPU/cores).

Parallel Network Query additionally incorporate inter server parallelism by distributing query processing to multiple servers in the network. Parallel Network Query may also be used to speed up slow server by distributing tables of the query to multiple servers for processing which effectively aggregates server resources (such as disk I/O bandwidth and CPU/cores).

Parallel Query and Parallel Network Query make Parallel Universe ideal for data warehouse, business intelligence/analytics and big data application. With Parallel Universe, you'll also be able to deploy less costly server hardware for the same query load/task.

Parallel Universe is released under the GPL license and fully compatible with MySQL and Percona servers. Also available as part of Linux OS images at Amazon Web Services and www.GoGrid.com .


Bug Fix Update Available (Ver. 5.5-3.1.2) - Aug. 8, 2014